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LRQA food safety support services

Emergency Response - Enforcement Liaison 4 hours of support (pre summons support - hourly rate applies after initial 4 hour support)

Emergency Response - Enforcement Liaison 4 hours of support (pre summons support - hourly rate applies after initial 4 hour support)

Regular price £95.00 (ex VAT)
Regular price Sale price £95.00 (ex VAT)
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Emergency Response - Enforcement Liaison 4 hours of support (pre summons support - hourly rate applies after initial 4 hour support)

Following receipt of the enforcement letter, your LRQA Food Safety Advisor will review and develop an individual action plan, created and issued to the business owner with suggested deadlines for completion.

On completion of your action plan, LRQA Food Safety Advisor will close out each action until all actions are addressed, leaving your business ready to apply for a re-rate inspection from your Local Authority EHO.

The price of this service is £296 (ex VAT) plus £95 (ex VAT) per additional hour

Code: LRQA-08

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